English • Esperanto
This page contains contains some of my personal reflections. Entries are sorted in chronological order.
- While the intrepid ones are braving the storms with courage and triumph, the cowards are basking in the shores of submission and conformity.
- Curiosity is the enemy of ignorance, fear, uncertainty, and doubt.
- Golden opportunities are often missed because they are cloaked with dirty garment, rather than with glitter and gold.
- When you don’t give your best, and unfavorable results come out, you’ll wonder what would have happened had you done your finest.
- Challenge. Persist. Conquer.
- Unless we will have the boldness and audacity to drive them away, our greatest fears will not leave us. If, however, they are there to stay, then we should have the strength and courage to tame them.
- If your ship doesn’t come to you, swim to it; if you can’t swim, have the ship towed to you.
- Smile, even in the face of adversary, for that will also be the time that you’ll embrace victory.
- If you want to create the future, focus on the moment rather than the outcome.
- You answers, no matter how confident you are with them, are incorrect, if they were for the wrong questions.
- If you can’t beat them, arrange to have them beaten.
- Procrastinate procrastination.
- Defer to use what you will use to defer.
- Work your way through things, not around it.
- Irrationality is a choice.
- Stand out, then blend in.
- Even stars die.
- Impatience is the twin of impulsiveness.
- Opinions are biases.
- A nation is only as strong as its weakest peoples.
- We think that we know.
- When the rules change, adapt. If you can’t nor want to adapt, change the rules.
- Diplomacy as a result of non-choice is no diplomacy at all.
- If you can’t join them, beat them.
- With great power comes great irresponsibility.
- Never attribute to malice what incompetence will explain. Never attribute to incompetence what nature will explain.
- Choices are illusions; there are only circumstances.
- Take care of your shell, because it’s the only one that you have.
- In the grand scale of the universe, human lives are insignificant. We are selfish with our lives because they are our own. However, we should remind ourselves, that for life to flourish, there must also be death.
- Tell me what you care about, and I’ll tell you who you are.
- The form of a question determines the form of the answer.
- Power without control is nil; control without power is nil.
- A true master knows that he’ll never become one.
- Suddenly, nothing appeared.
- One of the most satisfying yet most difficult thing to learn, is how to unlearn.
- People gossip about other people because their own lives are too uninteresting.
- However less you use social networking, use lesser.
- The most difficult lies to detect are the ones that are mixed with the truths.
- Humans have the amazing ability to resist invention, progress, and innovation. They frequently advertise their ability to mold and change themselves. The truth, however, is that those are mere projections of what they want to achieve, not what they have.
- We get so hung up in goals, when the only the real tangible goal in life, is death.
- If you were told that you are eventually going to die, will you still want to live?
- Relationships, unlike wars, are not battles. We give back, we take in, we fall in love, we get hurt, we love again. Nothing is definite. We don’t know what happens next. But nothing will happen, if we do nothing.
- We didn’t have the option whether to board the ship or not. We just find ourselves, in the middle of the journey, after the ship has already left the port.
- The only thing that binds us to our loved ones are our memories.
- The more I err, the more I become right.
- What I do not understand, I rewrite.
- Whatever you do, never be afraid.
- Tell me what are your temptations and I will tell you what you are.
- Letting go is one of the most difficult things, that we must do.
- Let’s not fear pain, because feeling pain is one of the best ways to become stronger.
- In the face of the cosmos, we all are children forever.
- Fraudulent news spread because fraudulent humans exist.
- I thank all of you who caused me pain; because without you I will not become stronger.
- Know the work that pays your bills and know the work that defines your future.
- Everything and nothing matters. Meaning is our invention. It is an attempt to quantify, qualify, and justify our perceived existence.
- The key of discovering the future is not about solving more problems; it is discovering more problems.
- We can’t solve those which we think does not need solving.
- Social networking is an animal that you must not tame.
- Never underestimate physical forces.
- The universe does not have an obligation to mean anything to us. Since the beginning of time, it was always us, who wanted to give meaning to everything.
- The most important things to consider when creating a universe from nothing are the initial conditions. Everything depends on it.
- The definition of life is blurry—a black hole is as alive as a bacteria. The attributes of life which we have given to it, strongly depends on our relationship to the life forms that we are acquainted with.
- If life is a big game, it can be surmised that everything is some kind of entertainment.
- Death by irrelevance is worse than physical death.
- The basic element of life is recognition.
- The amount of energy needed to refuse is higher than the amount of energy needed to accept.
- It doesn’t matter how much training you receive if you want to swim deep in the ocean. You cannot learn lungs.
- Have the right people.
- Rule 1: assume nothing.
- Anything that is beautiful is a thing of monstrosity.
- It is not diplomacy if one already has a stone to begin with.
- The favorite puppets of puppeteers are the the ones who wants be puppeteered.
- In all wars, all of the participants get injured.
- In my own silences, I reflect if life has an intrinsic meaning. Is the value of life a mere contrivance of humans?
- The more one shows, the less one has.
- The usual things are the ones that pose the worst dangers.
- The moment that you think you need to go faster, is the moment that you need to go slower.
- The concept of balance of the universe is the direct result of human inclinations to believe that it indeed exists.
- Demonstration of intelligence does not imply intelligence.
- The things that people show, are the things they want you to see.
- Don’t give rewards to all the participants. If rewards are given even to the losers, soon they will realize that they don’t deserve it.
- Whenever you meet someone new, do not trust them. Only with time, one knows if they deserve it.
- My body is my shell. My mind is my playground.
- If you do what everybody else does, you’ll get what everybody else gets.
- The golden rule is an example of a bad idea. If one thinks, that it is a good idea to hurt themself, then, it is also a good idea to hurt others.
- Peace does not imply quietness. Chaos does not imply noise. Permanence does not equate infinity.
- Show me a man who doesn’t want to embrace pain and I’ll show you a boy.
- Content is king; timing is queen; substance is god.
- Only give a gift if one is certain, that the receiver deserves it. On the other hand, only receive a gift, if you are certain that you deserve it.
- The amount of pleasure that you can give is directly proportional to the amount of pleasure that you can receive.
- The true value of a pen is not about its brand name; it is about the one who uses it.
- Don’t forget, that when you pluck a flower from the earth, you are killing it.
- Don’t thank someone of good things because of circumstances; thank someone because of good intentions.
- You can’t teach a chicken how to shoot, because it can’t.
- Doubt; always doubt.
- One of the things that continually disturbs me is, that I am ignorant of many things. Additionally, of all those things, I am most ignorant of reality.
- It is futile to think how you can fly like a falcon if you are an orca. Instead, it is far better to aim how you can become a stronger orca.
- In a noisy room, if you want to be heard, wait for the moment wherein everyone has stopped talking. Then, speak. Then, one becomes heard.
- If you know all kinds of pain, you become master of pleasure.
- Never make important decisions when you are hungry, drunk, angry, tired, injured, sleepy, drugged, ecstatic, or dismal.
- There are a lot of reasons to be sad, however, there are even more reasons to be happy.
- Letting go is not the same as giving up.
- The most abominable forms of evil are the ones that present themselves as benevolent.
- Never chase the unworthy and misleading goals. Rejoice, that there are mountains, the sky, and the sea. Be happy and content, that you still breathe air.
- If you are afraid of making mistakes, you’ll make more.
- When in doubt, doubt.
- Most people need a leader because most people aren’t.
- If you can do it right the first time, why not?
- Searching for the meaning of life has the bold assumption that such meaning exists.
- Doing good deeds does not imply being good. An evil person can be benevolent.
- The most fearful ones are the weak.
- The worst kind of prison, is the one that you carry with you.
- You can paint and decorate the walls of your prison cell however you want, but you’re still a prisoner.
- Never forgive someone if you’re not yet complete. Otherwise, you’ll end up more unable to forgive.
- It doesn’t matter what evil the world has done to you. What matters is what good you’ll give to it.
- Just because you can’t observe it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
- The weight of a loss is directly proportional to the perceived value of the thing that was lost.
- Intelligence quotient is what intelligence quotient tests measure.
- Just dive and try not to drown.
- The question of whether machines can think is a question of whether submarines can swim.
- One of the main problems with determing what reality is first defining what is real. For all intents and purposes we can settle on an arbitrary level and say that that is real. Who or what is the arbiter in confirming to us whether our beliefs are true or not.
- One of the key problems with knowing what reality is, is first finding the definition of the word “real.”
- When someone throws rocks at you, throw back bread, or maybe golf balls.
- If you are not willing to play the game, somebody else is.
- Poverty does not imply stupidity.
- There can be many facts to describe something; rarely is it the case that there’s only one.
- Interpretations prevail where proofs fail.
- Never attribute to incompetence that which can be adequately explained by malice.
- In order for you to have complete and absolute free will you must be able to control and directly influence another one's, as you desire. However, others may also have the same thoughts.
- In capitalism, the good players are rewarded. In socialism and communism, it doesn’t matter how good you are.
- There will exist a truly neutral place wherein anybody can say absolutely anything. What’s bad for one can be good for another. In order to have moderation, there must be rules which can possibly favor one side over the other.
- Some people like to play basketball while some people like to play volleyball. And that is fine. However, problems appear when all players want to play in the same place at the same time.
- My greatest fear was seeing myself in the mirror. I always feared, that whatever is going be seen is not going to be pleasant. Well, I was right. There was indeed a horrifying image. But, not anymore effective today.
- Would airplanes fly that fast if they flew like birds? Does humanity need to imitate it? Did humanity wait for the bird wing technology before deciding to fly humans?
- When Lady Fortune showers Earth with blessings, she does it at random times. Most people would pick specific times to have a chance of receiving such good fortune. Successful people, however, show up all the time.
- It′s better to have a fire extinguisher and not need it than to need a fire extinguisher and not have it.
- Time spent on the destruction of others is time not spent for your own growth.
- Even if the whole world pulls you down, you’ll eventually find someone who’ll pull you up.
- It’s not the strongest who wins; it’s the one who refuses to give up.
- That's why men can't rule over men.
- There are good reasons why dogs—not sheep—are shepherds.
- The ability of a parrot to talk does not mean it is aware of what it is talking about.
- In the absence of meaning content is entertainment.