The Y Combinator in Six Steps

English • Esperanto
Thu May 9 16:00:18 2013 +0800

First, decide. And then do it. It’s the only way to achieve anything.
—Lacus Clyne, Gundam SEED Destiny


Table of contents


A lot of us have been taught that to be able to define a recursive procedure, the recursive invocation must “use” the name of the recursive procedure. The Y combinator , however, lets you perform recursion, without referring to the named identifier.


The Y combinator has been both a source of inspiration and frustration for many. It evokes a eureka-like sensation once you get past the wall, but it also renders us scratching our heads when it just doesn’t make sense to traverse the labyrinth. This post aims to bring my own approach on how to derive the Y combinator. It may not be the most elegant way, but it may work for you.

In the code examples in this post, the > symbol denotes the prompt symbol for your Scheme implementation.

Step 1: Define the base procedure

Let’s start by defining a procedure named foo that computes the summation of a positive integer, down to zero. In the following snippet, the recursive call happens when foo is applied in the else part of the condition.

> (define foo
    (lambda (n)
      (if (zero? n)
          (+ n (foo (- n 1))))))
> (foo 100)

You have observed that I have defined foo using an explicit lambda. You’ll see shortly, why.

Step 2: Curry the recursive call

Let’s break that procedure further, into more elementary components, and you’ll apply it, using currying.

> (define foo
    (lambda (f)
      (lambda (n)
        (if (zero? n)
            (+ n ((f f) (- n 1)))))))
> ((foo foo) 100)

The extra lambda was needed because you needed to have a way to abstract the recursive procedure. In this case, you used the identifier f to bind to the recursive procedure, which is foo, itself. The weird-looking ((f f) …) is needed, because you have to perform the same procedure invocation method used initially: ((foo foo) 100).

Step 3: Apply procedure to itself

You’re now going to exploit that property, to use a “nameless” approach—not using the foo identifier.

> (((lambda (f)
      (lambda (n)
        (if (zero? n)
            (+ n ((f f) (- n 1))))))
    (lambda (f)
      (lambda (n)
        (if (zero? n)
            (+ n ((f f) (- n 1)))))))

Take note, that at this point, you’re no longer using the foo name, to refer the definition, except for later.

Step 4: Abstract inner recursive call

Next, you need to move the (f f) part outside, to isolate the general (Y combinator), from the specific (foo) code.

> (((lambda (f)
      ((lambda (p)
         (lambda (n)
           (if (zero? n)
               (+ n (p (- n 1))))))
       (lambda (v) ((f f) v))))
    (lambda (f)
      ((lambda (p)
         (lambda (n)
           (if (zero? n)
               (+ n (p (- n 1))))))
       (lambda (v) ((f f) v)))))

During the procedure application, the identifier p will be bound to (lambda (v) ((f f) v)), and the identifier v will be bound to (- n 1).

Step 5: Isolate the combinator

Next, you’re going to isolate the Y combinator, from the foo procedure.

> (((lambda (x)
      ((lambda (f)
         (x (lambda (v) ((f f) v))))
       (lambda (f)
         (x (lambda (v) ((f f) v))))))
    (lambda (p)
      (lambda (n)
        (if (zero? n)
            (+ n (p (- n 1)))))))

You replace the foo-specific definition with x. This requires you, again, to create an enveloping lambda. Since x is bound to the computing procedure, you no longer need to repeat it.

Step 6: Define the combinator

Finally, you will explicitly create a separate procedure definition for the Y combinator itself, and the foo procedure.

> (define y
    (lambda (x)
      ((lambda (f)
         (x (lambda (v) ((f f) v))))
       (lambda (f)
         (x (lambda (v) ((f f) v)))))))
> (define foo
    (lambda (p)
      (lambda (n)
        (if (zero? n)
            (+ n (p (- n 1)))))))
> (define f (y foo))
> (f 100)

Closing remarks

When the key concepts are understood, it becomes easy to grasp the seemingly daunting ideas. I hope this post has been useful in making you understand the Y combinator, currying, and procedure application.