Symbols and Marks (Condensed)

English • Esperanto
Tue Mar 28 19:24:48 2017 +0800

The table below is the condensed form of Symbols and Marks.

en dash🐧 + -⌥ -Alt + 0150
em dash🐧 + Shift + -⇧ ⌥ -Alt + 0151
left double quote🐧 + [⌥ [Alt + 0147
right double quote🐧 + ]⇧ ⌥ [Alt + 0148
left single quote🐧 + `⌥ ]Alt + 0145
right single quote🐧 + '⇧ ⌥ ]Alt + 0146
prime🐧 + ,⇧ ⌥ eAlt + 8242
double prime🐧 + Shift + ,⇧ ⌥ gAlt + 8243
ellipsis🐧 + .⌥ ;Alt + 0133